First Briefing: The Reality of Contact

We give greetings from far away now. In our first two sets of communications to you, we were able to be in the proximity of your world in a hidden location in your solar system. But now we have been forced to flee, since our revelations have become public. The Intervention that is occurring in your world by those extraterrestrial races who would seek to take advantage of a weak and divided humanity have searched for us, seeking to find us and to destroy us so that we may not report on their activities in the world and thus reveal their hidden plans and motivations.

The people of your world must know that you are emerging now into a Greater Community of intelligent life, a Greater Community that you know nothing about and have not yet adapted to. It is a Greater Community of advanced worlds, for you live in a developed and populated part of the universe where large nations have established intricate and long-standing trade agreements with one another, where there are rules of engagement and rules of conduct that all trading nations in this region must observe.

You know nothing of these things, of course, still being isolated within your world. Yet your world is being visited by small groups—small non-military groups, commercial forces, you might say—that are here seeking advantages and resources. They recognize that humanity at this moment is a weak and divided race and is superstitious and uneducated regarding the affairs of the Greater Community in which you have always lived.

We have been sent as observers from several different free nations in this region of space, to observe the extraterrestrial Intervention that is occurring in the world today, to report on its activities and to reveal its hidden motives and agenda so that the human family might become aware and prepared for the reality of Contact. It is this reality of Contact that is essential for your understanding.

Your world is a prize. It is greatly valued by others. You are unsuspecting and perhaps might assume that advanced technological races are advanced spiritually as well. But alas, this is not the case. The path of technological development, more often than not, leads away from real freedom and the true nature of spirituality as it exists in all manifest intelligent life.

The Intervention that is occurring in your world by those extraterrestrial races who would seek to take advantage of a weak and divided humanity have searched for us, seeking to find us and to destroy us.

This represents but one of the important lessons that the human family must now learn if it is to regard the presence of foreign visitors with clarity, wisdom and discernment and if it is to recognize the great need for humanity to establish its own rules of engagement regarding all present and future visitations to your world. Such rules have not been established. Humanity stands naked in the universe, vulnerable to intervention and persuasion by small, cunning groups of resource explorers and economic Collectives—those who travel within the local universe seeking advantages and opportunities for themselves and for their clients.

You of course have no way of understanding this, having never ventured far enough into space to witness these activities and to learn about the nature of interactions and commerce in this part of the universe. So you do not know what to expect, and in the absence of wisdom, clarity and informed awareness, many people who are aware of the Intervention are misunderstanding its presence and are construing it incorrectly, believing it is here for the benefit of humanity.

It is because humanity has not responded with wisdom appropriately to this Intervention that we, as representatives of the free nations in your vicinity of space, have been sent here to observe this Intervention, to learn of its activities within your world and to reveal to you the nature of these activities, their purpose and indeed the nature of such Interventions as they so frequently occur everywhere in the Greater Community.

You are emerging into a competitive environment in space, a complex environment, an environment where long-standing rules have been established to maintain stability amongst nations and worlds whose establishments are far older than anything that has been established on Earth.

In this regard, you are but a young race, young and reckless—a young race who is beginning to experience the benefits and the liabilities of technological power; a young race who is despoiling a beautiful planet, a planet that is valued by others; a young race without wisdom and foresight who is eroding away its self-sufficiency—self-sufficiency which is always required for any emerging nation to maintain its freedom and its self-determination in the universe.

There is so much now for humanity to learn and to do. Great actions must be taken, but they must be informed by a clear understanding of the universe into which you are emerging—how nations trade and function, what restrains them, what encourages them, the freedoms they have to intervene in a world such as yours and the restraints that prevent them from undertaking certain activities.

Even now, though we are far from your world, we can report on these things and give you a clearer understanding of the nature of interaction, trade and commerce in your part of the galaxy, in this densely populated area of the universe. With this, we hope we can impart a great encouragement for the human family to utilize its native wisdom, to build upon its great strengths and to not fall prey to persuasion or self-deception that is always a great risk at thresholds such as these.

Emerging into the Greater Community is the greatest threshold that any race can face. Many races fail at this threshold, falling under the persuasion and domination of foreign powers. Many nations fail because they have destroyed their self-sustaining resources and have become helpless and dependent upon others who, through leverage and through commercial manipulation, were able to gain control of these young, emerging races.

It is a threshold with great risks and yet one with immense opportunities. In the face of the Greater Community, young races must unite, they must correct their destructive behavior, and they must focus on establishing the security of their world and its boundaries to space.

We trust in this third set of Briefings that we may be able to illustrate the importance of this and provide our encouragement and our faith that humanity has the strength still and the integrity still to mount a great effort on its own behalf and to lay the foundation for becoming a free and self-determined race in the universe.

For you must know that freedom is rare in the Greater Community and once it has been established, it must be carefully protected and watched over. Large nations that are not free, that do not provide freedom for their citizens, always regard the presence of free worlds and nations with great fear and suspicion. That is why free nations, with very few exceptions, maintain their autonomy and attempt not to become pulled into the complex and compromising nature of trade and commerce in the Greater Community.

Perhaps you can understand this from your own experience of being in the world, a world where commerce has compromised the integrity and the self-determination of weaker nations. We have seen the evidence of this in your transmissions, which are foolishly sent out into space for all to see.

We bring this example forward so that you may call upon your own experience and observations of the world because events in the Greater Community and the reality of the Greater Community itself represent the same kinds of forces, compromises and difficulties, but on a vastly larger scale with many more participants.

Here you cannot be like children, being reckless, wasting your resources, opposing one another, being inattentive to your boundaries to space, unaware of who is intervening in your world today and foolishly expecting grace and salvation from those who might visit you. These are actions that are not in your best interest, actions which are governed by wishful thinking and by foolish and uninformed expectations. Such an approach to life in the universe will lay you open to deception and manipulation beyond what you are accustomed to and for which you have not yet developed a sufficient set of counter measures.

Life in the universe is difficult because all advanced nations have outstripped their world’s ability to sustain them, thus forcing them to engage in commerce and to a great degree to become controlled by other nations under whose commercial agreements they must now be forced to submit.

Life in the universe is perilous for the unwary. And yet the Greater Community into which you are emerging is vast and magnificent, holding immense opportunities for learning and education and immense opportunities for self-discovery and for founding a world where greater unity must be established and can be established effectively.

There are races in the universe who are very advanced in this regard, far beyond anything that humanity has established here on Earth. But they do not engage in space exploration. They do not engage in resource acquisition or in trying to persuade or manipulate young and unaware races such as the human family, for that is not ethical and leads to unfortunate consequences.

The wise have learned many things over the eons of time in the universe, many things that humanity has not yet discovered or is only beginning to learn. The wise have learned that all nations require resources and must either build their own self-sufficiency and trade amongst very trusted partners or take the great and unfortunate risk of becoming involved in larger networks of trade and resource acquisition—larger networks which will always compromise their integrity and self-determination. For if you are dependent upon others for the very things you need, then they, even more than you, will determine the nature of the engagement and the terms by which such an engagement must be met.

In your own world, you have seen smaller nations fall under the over-arching persuasion of other nations—persuasion that was garnered without the use of force, persuasion that preyed upon the weakness and the divisions within these weaker nations, making them now dependent upon larger nations beyond their control and to which they are forced to submit.

There is much for you to learn regarding this, and you have many questions, of course. In these Briefings, we will attempt to answer some of your questions if they can be answered. Yet some questions must be answered by a Greater Power, the Greater Power of the Creator of all life, who has put Knowledge as a potential within each person and within intelligent life throughout the universe. But such potential has not been discovered yet by the human family to any great degree, and as you will discover, it remains beyond the reach and awareness of many in the Greater Community, especially those who wield great technological power, who have abandoned their early traditions of religion to serve the religion of power, commerce and technology.

It is true in the universe that the wise must remain hidden to remain wise, and that freedom is built on three fundamental realities: one, that a world’s peoples be united sufficiently to face the universe as one people; two, that such people must maintain and protect their self-sufficiency so as not to become bound and dependent upon foreign powers who do not share their values or their emphasis on freedom; and three, that such people must become extremely discreet regarding their activities and behavior, which will always fall under the scrutiny of those who wish to take advantage of these people or who fear the freedom that such people might possess.

Do not confuse the Ancient Home of God with the Greater Community. For the Greater Community is a physical reality, and everyone in it must struggle to survive and must face the reality of competition and all of its hazards. Yet each race has the promise to evolve and to become free and to become wise. This opportunity still remains everywhere, within all beings and all nations in the universe.

We have been sent as observers from several different free nations in this region of space, to observe the extraterrestrial Intervention that is occurring in the world today, to report on its activities and to reveal its hidden motives and agenda so that the human family might become aware and prepared for the reality of Contact.

Here you must come not with hopeful expectations or with dread or fear, but with a greater sobriety and clarity of mind. Do not approach the Greater Community wanting things for yourself, hoping and believing that those whom you will encounter will provide these things for you. For this is unwise and will rob you of the discernment that you must have to see clearly and to be able to discern those opportunities that are beneficial from those that only appear to be beneficial. This is the wisdom one must utilize within one’s own world, for this is a universal truth.

Our task is to reveal the real nature of the Intervention that is occurring in the world today, to warn you and to prepare you for the realities of life in the universe, to give you a greater impetus for human unity and cooperation and to show you the great need for the cessation of conflict within your world. We do this because we value humanity as a race. But we also do this for our own self-preservation, for to have another free nation in this neighborhood of space is of great interest to us. We support it as an ideal for all races. Yet in our local region of space, it will help preserve our integrity, and it will help preserve our autonomy if such a race as yours can evolve into the Greater Community free of foreign domination and educated about the realities of life beyond your borders.

We will speak in these Briefings about this greater arena of life. We will give you the information that is needed even if it does not answer your desires for specific names, dates and places, which would be meaningless to you and which would not serve a useful purpose, for you cannot verify these things for yourself.

What you need is a greater perspective and a greater vision. What we will impart will not be strange and foreign to you. In many ways, it will be akin to what you yourself have seen within your world and what you are able to recognize through your awareness of nature and history.

Life in the universe has taken many different forms. Even though many races use technologies beyond your current capabilities, all must still face the rigors of life. All must still make the difficult choices between freedom and submission. And all must still deal with the need for resources and stability. It is a truth that all must face. No one through technology has gained exemption from the great requirements of life.

You who are just beginning your journey into the Greater Community must now undertake a greater education. This greater education will call upon your strengths, your awareness and whatever wisdom may reside within your heart and within the hearts of all who dwell within your world. For it is this wisdom you need now more than ever before.