Keluarga Manusia sedang menghadapi ambang batas terbesar dalam sejarah panjangnya – kemunculannya ke dalam Komunitas Besar penuh kehidupan berakal di alam semesta. Kemunculan ini akan mengubah persepsi, kepercayaan, dan cara kita hidup di Bumi ini. Namun umat manusia tidak siap.
Untuk pertama kalinya, persiapan untuk melintasi ambang batas besar ke dalam Komunitas Besar tersedia melalui tulisan MV Summers. Ajaran yang sangat luas ini secara keseluruhan tidak seperti apa pun di dunia saat ini dan mewakili sebuah Pesan Baru bagi Umat Manusia. Pendidikan dan Tindakan sangat penting untuk membawa pesan dan kesadaran baru ini kepada Umat Manusia.
Lanjutkan pendidikan Komunitas Besar Anda di Sekolah Gratis Pesan Baru. Global, online, dan terbuka untuk semua orang.

Sumber-sumber lebih lanjut:

Preparing for the Greater Community Chapter 3: The Essential Truths about the Greater Community Chapter 7: The Great Challenge Awaiting Humanity Chapter 13: Human Responses to the Greater Community

Life in the Universe: The reality and spirituality of Life in the Universe

Greater Community Spirituality Chapter 6: What Is the Greater Community? Chapter 15: Who Serves Humanity? Chapter 21: What is The Greater Community Way of Knowledge? Chapter 23: How is Knowledge Translated in the Greater Community?

The Great Waves of Change Chapter 9: The Great Waves Prophecy Chapter 10: The Great Waves and the Reality of Contact

Wisdom from the Greater Community: Volume One

Chapter 3: Greater Community

Wisdom from the Greater Community: Volume Two Chapter 10: Greater Community Visitations

Chapter 15: Responding to the Greater Community

Chapter 17: Visitors’ Perceptions of Humanity

Chapter 25: Environments Chapter 28: Greater Community Realities

Living the Way of Knowledge Chapter11: Preparing for the Future

Steps to Knowledge: The Book of Inner Knowing Step 157: I am not alone in the universe. Step 187: I am a Citizen of the Greater Community of Worlds. Step 190: The world is emerging into the Greater Community of Worlds, and that is why I have come. Step 199: The world I see is emerging into the Greater Community of Worlds. Step 203: The Greater Community is influencing the world I see. Step 248: I will rely upon the Wisdom of the universe to instruct me. Step 256: The world is emerging into the Greater Community of Worlds. Step 326: The Greater Community is something I can feel but cannot understand.

Teachings of the New Message:

Teacher’s Commentaries from Allies of Humanity Book Two: